UK Green infrastructure

Green Infrastructure (GI) is a planning process that aims to create a strategic network of green spaces which connects urban and rural areas. By considering the potential multifunctional benefits which ecological services can bring GI can enable ecological adaptation to environmental issues in the built to provide more environmental resilience and deliver sustainable development. It has the potential to support biodiversity and increase the quality of people’s lives.

Local Green Infrastructure is a report by the Landscape Institute which explores the principals and potential of the Green Infrastructure approach, drawing upon a number of case studies.

This Landscape Institute policy and position guide sets out the case why Landscape and design professionals have to focus their work around ensuring that the environment continues to support biodiversity and provide ecological services, pointing to the  practices which need to become embedded for a more consistent approach incorporating GI into civic and urban planning.
Rain Garden Guide
Reset Development who produced the guide to creating Rainwater gardens are a UK charitable organisation devoted to establishing best practice in GI, by producing and providing learning opportunities and resources for the continuing development of professionals who work in landscape design, architecture and urban planning and design.
A research note from the Forestry Commission England on the potential benefits of Urban Forests to provide ecosystem benefits to improve the health and well bring for people in urban environments alongside providing improved environmental services.
 GI Green Infrastucture’s contribution to economic growth: a review by Eftec and Sheffield Hallam University, commissioned by Natural England and Defra, Aug 2013
 planningnaturally  Planning Naturally, Aug 2013, recommendations on spatial planning with nature in mind. Produced by the RSPB, the Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management and the Royal Town Planning Institute.
 GI-audit A Best Practice Guide to Auditing Green Infrastructure based on the work of the Victoria Business Improvement District